Category: Projects
Language – a short, supposedly funny scene
Description: An inmate gets a visit from one of his associates from the outside so they can talk "business." A corrupt guard sets up the meeting in a secret room. The guard has only one rule, no swearing! This is a little project I threw together in a week or two. I had an…
New Series Sans Sandwich
I was having breakfast with my friends Brett and Rachel at the Rutherford Pancake House a couple weeks ago and Rachel pitched an idea to me that she had mentioned before. Two people standing at a refrigerator arguing over who ate the sandwich. She even posed the name, "The Sandwich Series," which stuck. This is…
We’re in!
There’s excitement in the air. sent the acceptance email today. “Congratulations- your video has been shortlisted and we would now like to put your submission forward for the final stages of judging.” It was a little bit more roundabout way of saying it, but I am very fond of our work being “shortlisted.” That…
MOFILM here we come
The final cut of our AT&T Rethink Possible commercial was finished on Sunday afternoon and uploaded to the site that evening. We are now in the running for some prize money and a trip to Barcelona. We are trying to avoid nail biting, but we think we have a pretty strong entry which was…
Just when I think the cut is coming together I realize that one of my actors was looking directly into the camera in the take that I want to use. After Effects, you will save a shot once again. In editing The Great Heist I found a shot where an actor looked directly into the…