Brooklyn Haunting

I heard through the filmmaking social media site that Australian screenwriter Liam Lacy was in New York City for a short time and was looking to produce a short film. I read the script and liked it so I wrote to him and offered my help. We met in a Starbucks near Penn Station to talk over the specifics and I signed up to be the cinematographer and editor. Maybe “cinematographer” is too strong a word for it. The camera was stationary and was supposed to have been set up by one of the roommates in the apartment to document the experiences of the haunting. The lighting consisted of natural light from two windows on either side of the camera with blinds raised and lowered as needed, a softbox set up high and to the right of the camera, and a small LED light just behind the camera for the night scenes so the actresses had enough light on their faces. Very simple setup. Here is the completed short:

Written by Liam Lacy

Directed by Liam Lacy and Dennis Mason

Produced by Liam Lacy and Monique Foreste

Director of Photography, Editor, and Visual Effects by Dennis Mason

Assistant Director – Monique Foreste

Makeup Artist – Yasmin Robinson

Jennifer – Jennifer Bonaparte

Tahnee – Felicia Mariah D’Ascanio

Kate – Emily Deague-Hall